St. Thomas Spiritual Adoption Baby shower! Supporting the Share Center On July 7th after the 11am Mass. We will celebrate the end of this year's Spiritual Adoption Intercessory Prayer Ministry AND a decade of 1000+ "Prayers offered and prayers answered". Thank you to those who persevered in prayer all these months. St. Thomas will collect donated items in the pack-n-play (in the main vestibule) before and after all Masses on the weekends of June 23rd - July 7th. If you spiritually adopted a baby, giving to the shower is a great way to celebrate your baby's birthday! Below are lists of highly requested items from the organization: Swaddles (3-12mos) Sleep Sacks, Baby bottles, bibs,teethes & rattles Diapers (all sizes, up to size 6) and wipes Onesies, Baby Formula, Baby toiletries,Infant sleepers, Lightweight receiving blankets, Fitted crib sheets. Jackets & sweaters 0-3mos, 3-6 mos, 6-9 mos, Baby booties and shoes through age 5 years, Hooded bath towels & washcloths, Umbrella Strollers, NEW pack-n-play cribs or bassinets (can't accept used ones) New car seats, New and gently used children's clothing, newborn to size 10 New and gently used children's clothing, newborn to size 10 Maternity and women's clothing *Monetary donations will be earmarked for the Share Center THANKS FOR YOUR FAITHFUL & GENEROUS SUPPORT!