PREPPING FOR REMEMBRANCE OF OUR BELOVED DEAD At St. Thomas the Apostle – Canyon Lake, TX, nine masses will be offered for all deceased loved ones (family and friends) of our parishioners. No one individual will be cited in our bulletin or mentioned by name at mass. This Novena (nine masses) includes everyone. When will this happen? The first three masses are scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd (Feast of All Souls). These three masses will commence at 8:30 AM, and then repeat at 12:00 noon, and again at 6:00 PM. Thereafter, the next six masses will be celebrated at the usual, scheduled times for weekday and weekend parish masses. Our nine Novena masses will thus conclude with the 8:30 AM mass on Monday, Nov. 6th. Within the monthly Donation Envelopes to parishioners, there is an envelope designated for “All Souls Day” but there are no lines on which to inscribe names of Beloved Dead. Thus, in the near future, our parish will provide a double-sided, single page with forty-two lines. Whether the page is available via the bulletin or stacked on tables at church entrances, you and your household can inscribe as many names as you want and submit the page to a notebook that will be provided on a “Table of Remembrance” (displayed Oct. 29th through Nov. 5th). You can print or use cursive writing. You can dedicate one side of the page to list your loved ones and let your spouse / significant other use the other side of the page. There will be a Table of Remembrance set up in church on Saturday, October 28th for pictures of your deceased loved ones. Please be informed that regardless of the number of names you inscribe, a minimum donation of only $2.00 is suggested for everyone on your list – for all nine masses.