Since 1954, in Rome, Italy, Dr. Sofia Cavalletti has pursued the revelation of the
young child’s religious potential through 60 years of research and published material.
With the “self-teaching” principles of Maria Montessori, Gianna Gobbi and the
theological knowledge of Hebrew scholar, Sofia Cavalletti, they together, developed a
catechetical approach which not only appealed to the profound religious intuition
of younger and older children, but evolved from the children themselves. Today the
work (still active in Rome) has emerging centers all over the world.
An interpersonal relationship is always a mystery; all the more so when that
relationship is between God and the child. We believe that there is a deep bond
between God and the child which produces
in the child the desire to draw near to God. The catechists’ role is to prepare the
environment and to make presentations that “call forth” the child’s response rather than
“pour in” information. They listen with the child and together ask, “God who are you?
How do you love us?” The adult is a co-wonderer with the child as they together
enjoy meditating on the questions generated by the Scriptures with the prepared
environment as a developmental aid.
Atrium – A Prepared Environment
The atrium is one of the elements that helps the relationship between God and the child
flourish. After a theme has been presented, the child is free to choose an activity that
will make possible the inner dialog with the “Interior Teacher”, Holy Spirit. The atrium
helps to nourish this relationship in several ways: the atrium can be compared to a
retreat house facilitating recollection and silence; the atrium is a place for religious
life, for community and worship – not a classroom for instruction; the atrium is a
place of work which comes becomes a conversation with God; the atrium was the
place in the early church where the catechumens were prepared. For the child,
too, the atrium is a place of preparation for involvement in the larger worshipping
Level I – Ages: older 4 – 6
This age group is particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential
elements of our faith – the announcement of God’s love in the person of the Good
Shepherd, who gives everything for his sheep. The safety and love the sheep
experience in the presence of their Shepherd resonates deeply within the child and
invokes a beautiful wonder as they gradually become aware that we are the sheep. This
rich enjoyment of the gift of God forms the foundation for moral development.
Level II – Ages: 6-9
At this point the children can travel through time where the vast history of the Kingdom
of God is introduced. The child looks with wonder at all the gifts we have been given
and ponder,” What is my response to this abundance of gifts?” To help answer this
question, we explore the Maxims and moral parables together, in particular the parable of
the True Vine, “How do we remain?” (John 15:1-11)
Level III – Ages: 9-12
Level III focuses more deeply on the Plan of God. Since the beginning of time, God has
had a plan to bring all people to Himself. We ponder, “How has this been actualized
throughout our history? Moral development continues with further study of the Maxims,
helping to fill the child’s need for guidelines through the exploration of the virtues, and
through the studies of some of the prophets and patriarchs. “What is the Kingdom of
God and my place in it?” is the question that lays at the formation for life long
relationship with God.
“In your presence there is
fullness of joy…” Psalm 16:11
Is the Good Shepherd calling you to
serve in this ministry?
Apprentice Catechists are needed to work with the lead catechist and the children.
Observers are invited and to sit and journal what they see take place in the atrium.
Environmental Helpers are need to help create and maintain the atrium and materials.
Please prayerfully consider serving
in this beautiful ministry.